Unplanned pregnancies are very common in Missouri. In fact, half of all pregnancies in the U.S. each year are unplanned. If you are facing this stressful situation, you may be considering adoption. Planning a private adoption in Missouri is a positive choice. It has many benefits for birth parents and the children who are adopted, as well. Missouri adoption is a thoughtful, positive decision.
The term “giving baby up for adoption” is still commonly used, but it is dated and misleading. Making an adoption plan is anything but giving up. If you are thinking about private adoption in Missouri, then you are already a caring, loving parent who wants the best for their child.
As you consider taking this brave step, continue reading. In this short guide, we will explain what private adoption is and what support you should expect from private adoption agencies in Missouri.
Private Adoptions vs. Foster Care Adoption
The term “private adoption in Missouri” can sound a bit foreign to anyone who has never been involved in adoption. How does private adoption differ from foster care? Both avenues are pathways to adoption for adoptive families, but they have one distinct difference: Private adoption is voluntary and foster care is not.
Any expectant/birth parent voluntarily choosing adoption for their child would choose private adoption. This is a thoughtful plan that is made with the child’s best interest at heart. The expectant/birth parent is making the decision of their own free will. A private adoption agency can help make the arrangements for a private adoption and oversee every aspect of the adoption process.
On the other hand, when a family court decides that an expectant/birth parent is unfit to raise the child, then that child would go to the Children’s Division of the Missouri Department of Social Services. The Missouri State Foster Care and Adoption Board then determines placement for the child before adoption is considered as an option. When a child is put into foster care, it is because the birth parent’s rights have been revoked.
A birth parent’s rights are typically only revoked in cases of abuse or neglect. If a judge has determined that the child is unsafe at home, then that child must go into state custody.
If you are considering Missouri adoption, then a private adoption is most likely the right path for you. This professional selection can offer you supportive services and help you lovingly plan your child’s future.
Learn More About Missouri Adoption
What Private Adoption Agencies in Missouri Can Offer You
There are many benefits in choosing private adoption in Missouri. The right adoption agency can offer you the support and guidance you need throughout the adoption journey, while respecting your decisions. You should never be pressured into any decision regarding your pregnancy.
An experienced, reputable adoption agency, such as Adoptions With Love, will offer you every service needed to complete the adoption process. There should never be any fees for your adoption as the expectant/birth parent. The best adoption agencies in Missouri will offer you financial assistance, should you need it.
At Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth mothers in Missouri who choose adoption can get assistance with the following:
- Housing – including a deposit and several months of rent.
- Other living expenses, such as utilities, food, and phone bills.
- Transportation, if needed.
- Maternity Clothes.
- Medical care. We can help you find a doctor or midwife with whom you feel comfortable if you do not already have one. We can also cover any uninsured medical expenses related to pregnancy and birth, if needed.
In addition to this financial aid, you can receive free counseling, before and after the adoption is complete. Our compassionate counselors are experienced with adoption in Missouri and can help you navigate your emotions throughout the journey. Adoption is a life-long journey. It does not end once the paperwork is complete. We can offer comprehensive counseling services, at no cost, up until one year after adoption.
We can also offer legal support at no cost to you. Adoption is complex and varies by state. Our adoption attorney team is well-versed in Missouri adoption laws. These professionals within our network have the experience and understanding of the law to ensure your adoption is safe and legal. They will also make sure you understand your rights. They can also help you understand the birth father’s rights. They can meet with you, in person if you wish, to discuss the legal process of adoption and answer any questions you may have. They can come right to your door – even if that door is in the hospital – at the time that is most convenient for you.
Another adoption service offered to expectant/birth mothers in Missouri is adoption planning. The adoption specialist you choose should help you plan what type of adoption you would like to have. At a Missouri open adoption agency, like Adoptions With Love, you can choose between the following:
- Open adoption
- Semi-open adoption
- Closed adoption
Open adoption is the most common type of adoption plan chosen by expectant/birth mothers today. Open adoption in Missouri can look different for every family, but it simply means there is ongoing communication between birth and adoptive families. You can choose the form and frequency of contact. Would you like to stay connected through social media posts and messages? Would you rather catch up over email? What about in-person reunions? The choices are yours and your adoption professional can help you find the plan that best suits your needs.
Choosing a closed adoption is another option. Some birth parents feel they need to choose a closed adoption to have a fresh start. At Adoptions With Love, any adoption plan is respected and supported. We keep photos and letters on file, should a birth mother change her mind and decide to open the adoption later.
Another key step in making an adoption plan in Missouri is choosing the adoptive family. Adoptions With Love gives expectant/birth mothers profiles of hopeful adoptive families who are ready to raise a child. Each adoptive family must complete a home study, which ensures that every child is being raised in a safe, stable, and healthy home.
Learn More About Private Adoption in Missouri
If you have made it this far and still want to learn more about private adoption in Missouri, we can help. Reach out to us any time of day, any day of the week at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online. We can help you make an adoption plan for your child while prioritizing your needs throughout the journey.