A Guide to Adoption Agencies in Missouri
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy in Missouri, you may be thinking about adoption. Adoption in Missouri is a brave and selfless choice. In choosing adoption, and choosing to work with a reputable adoption agency, you can get the help you need. You are facing a stressful situation. You need to feel supported. There are adoption agencies in Missouri that can be there for you during your darkest hour and see you through the adoption journey.
While there are many folks who still use the dated term “giving baby up for adoption,” we in the adoption community know that adoption is anything BUT giving up. Making an adoption plan is making a thoughtful plan for your child’s future. You are taking their best interest and placing it before your own desires. If you are thinking about adoption in Missouri, then you are already a wonderful mother. Making an adoption plan is never easy, but it is a loving decision to give your child a better life than you can provide. A full-service adoption agency in Missouri, such as Adoptions With Love, can offer you the support, guidance, and services that you need. To learn more about adoption in Missouri and what adoption agencies in Missouri can offer, continue reading. This guide will share the information you need before making your decision.
Placing Your Baby for Adoption in Missouri
The first step in placing your baby for adoption in Missouri is finding an adoption agency with whom you feel comfortable. A private, full-service agency can offer you the supportive services that you deserve. They can help you custom design an adoption plan that best meets your needs. They can also help you find the perfect adoptive parents for your child. Thanks to open adoption, you can stay connected with your child’s adoptive family over the years – long after the adoption is complete. This gives many Missouri birth moms peace of mind, knowing their child is only a phone call or text message away.
The adoption agency you choose can also make your adoption journey an easier one, offering a wide range of adoption services. The adoption attorney team in Missouri will ensure that your adoption is handled legally and safely. Your rights will be protected, and any questions you may have along the way will be answered. Compassionate counselors can offer you professional support before and after the adoption is complete. Your adoption professional can also help you find a doctor or midwife with whom you feel comfortable. Any uninsured medical expenses related to the pregnancy or birth will be covered by the Missouri adoption agency. If needed, your adoption specialist can also offer financial support during this difficult time in your life.

What Adoption Services are Offered in Missouri?
Choosing to work with a Missouri adoption agency means experiencing flexible, personalized care. Expectant/birth moms who choose adoption in Missouri are given the guidance needed to create an adoption plan that is as unique as you.
With a fully licensed adoption agency, such as Adoptions With Love, you can:
- Choose an adoptive family that has been thoroughly screened through the home study process. You can also speak with, or even meet them in person, before making your decision, if you wish.
- Decide which type of adoption plan is best for you and your child. You can choose between an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. The choice is yours.
- Experience the freedom in your adoption plan choice. If you choose to have a closed adoption, you can open it later.
- Form a lifelong bond with the adoption agency and/or adoptive family if you wish.
- Take advantage of the compassionate counseling services available at no charge, before and after the adoption is complete.
Expectant/birth parents choosing adoption in Missouri can also get financial support. Adoptions With Love covers the following supportive services, free of charge for those who choose adoption:
- We can cover a deposit and several months of rent.
- Other living expenses, such as utilities, phone bills, transportation, food, and maternity clothes, as needed.
- Medical coverage. We can cover any uninsured medical expenses that relate to the pregnancy and birth, reimbursed after the adoption is complete.
Another benefit of working with a Missouri adoption agency is that you have access to free meetings with experienced attorneys and counselors. These professionals are specially trained in Missouri adoption. Our attorneys can assist you with legal requirements, such as terminating your custodial rights and educate you regarding adoption laws in Missouri. They will take the time to answer questions, listen to your concerns, and ensure you feel protected and guided throughout the entire adoption process.
How to Choose an Adoption Agency in Missouri
Choosing the right adoption agency is the first step in every adoption. You will want to look for an adoption specialist that can help you with every stage of the adoption journey. Consider the adoption services mentioned in this guide and research your options for the Missouri adoption agencies that tick all the boxes.
As you research the best Missouri adoption agency, you can explore different organizations’ websites. Not only will this give you an idea of the services they provide, but it will also give you a sense of how each agency approaches adoption. Reach out to one of these specialists to speak with someone, so you can also get a feel for how you would be treated. You can also consider what is most important to you in this process. Make a list of your needs, including:
- Compassion, respect, and judgement-free care
- Prioritizing your needs and wishes
- Compassionate counseling services, before and after the adoption
- Free legal support
- 24-hour support
Once you have found the right professional, you can begin to plan your Missouri adoption.
What are the Benefits of Working with a Missouri Adoption Agency?
There are many benefits of working with an adoption agency in Missouri.
One of the biggest benefits is safety. Choosing to work with a fully licensed adoption agency in Missouri means having peace of mind that your adoption will be legal and safe. You can also feel secure that your adoption will be completely confidential. You should meet with a prospective adoptive family with the assistance of an adoption agency. A credible, trustworthy adoption agency will ensure that your child will be placed in a safe, stable, and healthy home.
Every adoptive family that works with Missouri adoption agencies must complete a home study. This process takes several months to complete and entails thorough background checks and screenings, in-person, at-home interviews, and the review of important personal documents – such as financial and medical records. This process ensures that every child is placed in a safe, healthy, and loving home.
Another important benefit of working with a Missouri adoption agency is having the power to choose your child’s adoptive family and the type of adoption plan you would like to have. While these are always your choice, your adoption agency can help you find the right family and plan what will best meet your needs and make you feel confident about your decisions. Whether you choose to have an open, semi-open, or closed adoption, your adoption agency should respect and support your decisions. If you decide to have a closed adoption, that is okay. Adoptions With Love keeps photos and letters on file, should a birth parent decide to open the adoption later.
Missouri Adoption Information for Expectant/Birth Mothers (FAQ)
When can I consent to adoption in Missouri?
Expectant/birth mothers must wait until 48 hours (2 days) after the baby’s birth before consenting to adoption.
When can I make an adoption plan in Missouri?
While you cannot consent to the adoption until 48 hours after giving birth, you can make an adoption plan at any time. It is never too late to make a Missouri adoption plan, even if you have already brought baby home from the hospital.
How Do I Place My Baby for Adoption in Missouri?
The first step in placing a baby for adoption in Missouri is to choose a trustworthy adoption agency. Click here to learn more about placing your baby for adoption in Missouri.
What is an Open Adoption Agency in Missouri?
An open adoption agency in Missouri can offer you customized adoption plans that work for you and your life. At Adoptions With Love, you can choose between:
- Open adoption
- Semi-open adoption
- Closed adoption
Open adoption looks different for every family. An open adoption means there is ongoing communication between birth and adoptive families. You can choose the form and frequency of contact. Would you like to stay connected via email? Phone calls? In person visits? How often would you like to connect? Once a month? Twice per year? The choices are yours.
What is the Best Missouri Adoption Agency for Expectant/Birth Mothers?
The best Missouri adoption agency will support you throughout the pregnancy and adoption process and put your needs first. The right adoption professional will listen to your concerns, offer you supportive services as you need them, and respect all your decisions – free of judgment, pressure, or criticism.
It is Never Too Late to Call an Adoption Agency Near You
Whether you have just found out you are pregnant or have already given birth, we can help you make a Missouri adoption plan. We work with adoption specialists throughout the state and can send a professional straight to your door – even if it is the door to your hospital room.
Adoption is a brave, thoughtful, and loving decision. You deserve support throughout this journey, and we are here for you.
Choose an adoption agency that has a history of working with birth parents in Missouri since 1986. Reach out to us via text: 617-777-0072, by phone: 800-722-7731, or contact us online. We can work with you to make an adoption plan that meets your needs.