Adoption is a well-known term, but many are less familiar with open adoption. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and living in Louisiana, you may be considering making an adoption plan for your child. While it is never an easy decision, it can be – for some – the best path to take for their child. If you are feeling a mix of emotions, you may find that Louisiana open adoption is the perfect choice, as it allows for an ongoing relationship between birth mother, child and adoptive family.
First thing is first: While you may hear the dated term “giving your baby up for adoption,” it is important to note that adoption is not “giving up.” It is a brave, selfless, and loving decision. If you are considering adoption, it means you are thinking about your child’s needs and trying to figure out a way to give them a better life than you can provide now.
As you consider your pregnancy options, you will want to learn a bit about open adoption in Louisiana. How does it work? What are the benefits? What does it mean for your future? Read on, as we break down everything you need to know before moving forward with your decision.
What is Open Adoption in Louisiana?
Open adoption can look different for each family. In the simplest sense, open adoption means there is ongoing communication between birth and adoptive families after the adoption is complete. Just as every pregnancy is different, every open adoption plan is different. You may decide to keep connected via:
- Phone calls
- Text messages
- Letter and picture updates
- In-person reunions
You may also choose the frequency of this communication. Depending on the relationship and form of contact, a birth and adoptive family may choose to connect:
- Once a year
- A few times per year
- Once a month
- Several times per month
While an open adoption agreement is signed and legally binding, like any other legal document, it may be edited over the years. This can help accommodate the evolving relationship between birth and adoptive families and the changing needs of a growing child.

How Does Open Adoption Work in Louisiana?
Open adoption is a very personal and delicate arrangement. With a successful open adoption, each party involved – birth and adoptive families – can amicably agree on the terms. They can find the right method of communication that makes everyone comfortable with the arrangement. They can also find frequency of contact that feels best. This means that both the birth and adoptive parents enjoy the moments of reconnection, without feeling overwhelmed or neglected.
Having a successful Louisiana open adoption sounds like hitting the jackpot. How does it happen? The best way to make this arrangement a success is to find the perfect adoptive family for your child. At Adoptions With Love, each prospective adoptive family is pre-approved through the Home Study. This process takes several months to complete. It entails thorough screenings and background checks, multiple at-home interviews, and the review of important medical and financial documents. This ensures that each family is healthy – physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. It also ensures that each child adopted goes to a safe, stable, and loving home.
Every Louisiana birth mother that chooses adoption can select the adoptive family for their child. If you are considering adoption, your Louisiana adoption agency can guide you and help you find the perfect family. You can browse the adoptive family profiles, which is a document full of photos, letters, and stories about the adoptive family. You can speak with the family, or even meet them in person, before making your decision.
Once the adoptive family is chosen, you can begin to design your personalized adoption plan. This is a fully customizable plan, and you can work with your adoption agency and chosen adoptive family to come up with a plan that feels right for everyone involved. Once the adoption plan is signed, you can begin to prepare for the birth and adoption finalization.
In Louisiana, birth mothers must wait three days after giving birth before signing consent forms. This allows time to meet your baby and consider your decision before relinquishing your parental rights. While the requirement is at least three days, you can take as much time as you need. It is never too late to make an adoption plan. Adoptions With Love encourages birth mothers to take all the time they need, as this is a life-changing decision that must be made with certainty. You should never feel pressured or rushed into making an adoption decision.
Once the adoption is finalized, you can begin – or continue – to build a relationship with your child’s adoptive family. Adoption sometimes sounds like the end of a chapter, but it is, in fact, only the beginning.
Explore Louisiana Open Adoption Options
Contact UsWhat are the Benefits of Open Adoption in Louisiana?
Open adoption in Louisiana offers many benefits for birth mothers. Years ago, adoption was considered highly taboo and therefore secretive choice. Adoptions were all closed and children grew up with no information about their birth parents. Today, most adoptions are open. This means that birth mothers are no longer handing baby over with a “goodbye forever.” It is, instead, the start of a new beginning.
With an open adoption, Louisiana birth mothers can enjoy peace of mind. After birth, you may pursue your personal and professional dreams, all while knowing your child is well cared-for, safe, and loved.
You can also rest assured that you will see your child again. With an open adoption and growing relationship with your child’s adoptive family, you may see them soon after the adoption is complete. Depending on your proximity to one another and your open adoption agreement, you may enjoy in-person reunions. You may schedule virtual calls or phone calls. You may receive photos of your child throughout childhood so you can see their progress and happy memories being made.
For adoptive parents, one of the key benefits of having an open adoption is access to their child’s background and identity. From medical history to cultural understanding, a birth mother is a direct source of information.
For both adoptive and birth parents, another benefit to open adoption is the positive impact it has on the child. Most children in open adoptions today report having positive feelings about their circumstances. They grow up feeling confident, secure, and happy with the life they have, knowing they are loved by two families instead of one.
Learn More About Open Adoption in Louisiana
Are you considering adoption? Contact Adoptions With Love today to learn more about Louisiana open adoption and how it could be the best path for you and your child. Whether you have just learned of your pregnancy or have already given birth, it is never too late to make an adoption plan. Our team of counselors and attorneys can meet you at your home or the hospital to help guide you through the adoption process. Call 800-722-7731, text (confidentially) 617-777-0072, or contact us online for obligation-free information. We can help you make an open adoption plan that meets your needs and gives your child the best life possible.