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How to Place Your Baby for Adoption in Illinois

Placing a baby for adoption is a thoughtful, loving decision. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and living in Illinois, you may be considering your options. You might be researching the term “give baby up for adoption Illinois.” The first thing to know is that adoption is NOT giving up.

Making the decision to place your baby for adoption in Illinois requires strength and devotion. It is considering the needs of the child before the wants of the mother. If you are looking into adoption, you are doing an incredibly loving thing. You are trying to consider the best way to give your child the best life possible. With adoption, children are given love and opportunities that they may not necessarily acquire otherwise.

As you consider adoption, you will want to learn a bit about the adoption process. Read on, as we break down how to place your baby for adoption in Illinois.

1. Choose an Illinois adoption agency

Choosing the right adoption agency in Illinois is a key step in the adoption process. It is important to choose a fully licensed adoption agency that can ensure the adoption is handled safely and legally.

As you research Illinois adoption agencies, you will want to look for a professional that is reputable, experienced, and compassionate. It is best to choose an adoption agency that can offer personalized, caring services throughout the adoption process. The best adoption agency in Illinois will offer you support and guidance throughout the journey – as you prepare for adoption, after the placement, and throughout your life. Your adoption agency should always respect your decisions, listen to your wishes, and use that information to help you determine the right adoption plan for you and your baby.

2. Understand the Adoption Laws in Illinois

Adoption laws vary by state. It is important to work with an adoption agency trained in and knowledgeable about the adoption laws in Illinois.

In Illinois, no birth parent can sign legal adoption consent documents until 72 hours (three days) after the baby’s birth. This is meant to ensure that birth parents are confident in their decision. Once consent is given, the decision cannot be reversed. That is why, at Adoptions With Love, we encourage birth mothers to take all the time they need before signing consent forms. It is never too late to make an adoption plan.

The best adoption agencies in Illinois offer a team of trained adoption attorneys who are experienced with Illinois adoptions. They will help you understand your rights and answer any questions you have about the adoption process. These compassionate legal services are offered free-of-charge for birth mothers. You can rest assured that your rights are protected without the stress of legal fees.

3. Discuss an Adoption Plan

With the help of an Illinois adoption agency, you will have the power to choose the type of adoption plan that is right for you and your child. Your choices include:

  • An open adoption, meaning there is ongoing contact with the adoptive family
  • A semi-open adoption, meaning you may have mediated contact with the adoptive family
  • A closed adoption, wherein no identifying information is to be shared with the adoptive family

Your adoption plan is a very personal decision. There is no right or wrong choice. Your Illinois adoption agency can help walk you through the options – and offer various options for ongoing contact, should you choose open adoption – only you can know what is best. Some common forms of communication between birth and adoptive families include:

  • Email correspondence
  • Letters and photos sent through the agency
  • Phone calls and text messages
  • Shared photo accounts
  • In-person reunions

Most adoptions today are open adoptions. This type of adoption plan offers many benefits for the birth child and birth mother. An estimated 90 percent of adopted children report having positive feelings about their adoption arrangement.

No matter what type of adoption plan you choose, your adoption agency should fully support and respect your decision. Open adoption is not right for everyone. At Adoptions With Love, photos and letters are always kept on file, should a birth parent change their mind later and wish to receive updates.

4. Choose an Adoptive Family

Expectant/birth parents who choose to give their up baby for adoption in Illinois can also choose their child’s adoptive family. Your adoption agency can show you the profiles of families ready to adopt. At Adoptions With Love, each adoptive family that is approved has completed the Home Study. This several-month-long process requires a thorough screening and background check, multiple at-home visits and interviews, and the review of medical and financial records. This ensures that each family is healthy enough to raise a child – physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. You can take as much time as you need before choosing the adoptive family for your child. You can also meet them in person before making your decision.

Some of the steps to take to find an adoptive family for your child include:

  • Speaking with your adoption agency about what qualities you are looking for in an adoptive family
  • Browsing through adoptive family profiles
  • Asking questions to learn more about the prospective families
  • Contacting the prospective adoptive family of your choice
  • Designing your adoption plan and discussing the future with the adoptive family
  • Planning your birth and how the adoptive family will be involved

5. Create a Post Adoption Agreement

Your adoption plan is a legal and binding document. This agreement is signed by birth and adoptive parents. It is entered into a court at the time of adoption finalization. This plan outlines the exact level of contact you want with your child and their adoptive family. This includes the form and frequency of which you want to communicate.

While this plan is an official contract, the terms may be changed over the years to accommodate a growing child and evolving relationships. Your adoption agency can offer you guidance over the years to help you make any necessary changes to your post-adoption agreement plan.

6. Pursue Ongoing Adoption Support

Once your adoption is complete, it is important to pursue ongoing support. With the guidance of a reputable Illinois adoption agency, you can participate in support groups and meet one-on-one with a licensed counselor. At Adoptions With Love, you can rest assured that you will have our ongoing support after the adoption.

At Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth mothers in Illinois planning adoption get the following free services:

  • Adoption planning support
  • Compassionate counseling services
  • Housing assistance
  • Financial assistance
  • Legal services
  • Medical coverage
  • Ongoing contact

Find Your Illinois Adoption Agency

Choosing to “give your baby up for adoption in Illinois” (remember: It is NOT giving up,) is a life-changing decision. It can bring a roller coaster of emotions. The experience can be made easier with the support of a reputable adoption agency that you trust.

There are many benefits of choosing adoption in Illinois. Not only do birth mothers have the peace of mind that their child is happy, healthy, safe, and loved with their adoptive family, but they also know that a relationship in the future is a possibility.

Birth mothers who choose to work with a private adoption agency also have access to the financial support and free services they need and deserve. If you have decided to place your up baby for adoption in Illinois, you should be treated with respect, compassion, and love. The best Illinois adoption agency can help you every step of the way.

Learn more about the options you have with adoption in Illinois by contacting Adoptions With Love today. Adoptions With Love works hand-in-hand with licensed Illinois adoption agencies and attorneys. We are here to help support you and guide you through this journey.

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