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An Overview of the Adoption Process in Indiana

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and living in Indiana? You may be considering your options. You may also be researching the term “adoption process Indiana,” just to gain an understanding of what it entails. As you begin to explore the Indiana adoption process, you can learn about what a positive choice it can be and how to place your baby for adoption in Indiana. You can also learn about the best Indiana adoption agencies and what they offer for expectant/birth mothers in your shoes.

Adoption is not the right choice for everyone. If you are not yet ready to be a parent, and you want to ensure that your child has a safe, stable, and healthy home, adoption may be a positive decision. With adoption, you can ensure your child is well cared for and loved. If you want to learn more about the Indiana adoption process, read on. In this guide, we will share what you need to know before contacting an adoption agency.

1. What are the types of adoption options in Indiana?

There are several types of adoption agencies in Indiana. Here is a breakdown of the most common types:

Private adoption

Private adoption is the most common type of adoption agency for those making an adoption plan for their baby. This is an excellent choice for expectant/birth parents. Private Indiana adoption agencies, can offer expectant parents an array of supportive services, including financial assistance, medical coverage, counseling services, and adoption planning assistance. Adoptions With Love can offer this help.

Foster care adoption

Foster care is a state-run system that offers temporary and permanent placement for children in Indiana. The children placed in foster care have been removed from their homes, due to negligence, abuse, or another unsafe environment. Foster care is not a voluntary choice for birth parents.

2. What should I know about placing a baby for adoption in Indiana?

While we often hear the term “give baby up for adoption,” this term is dated and simply misleading. “Giving your baby up” is anything BUT giving up. It is, in fact, one of the hardest choices a parent could ever make. Placing a baby for adoption is a thoughtful, selfless, and loving decision. Choosing adoption is never easy, but it comes from a place of deep love and devotion. You are considering your child’s needs. You are thinking about how to give your child the best life possible.

While it can be difficult to choose adoption, it can also be made easier with the assistance of an adoption agency. Finding the best professional is step one of the Indiana adoption process.

3. How much does it cost to make an adoption plan in Indiana?

Nothing. There is no cost to expectant/birth parents planning adoption in Indiana. In fact, you can get supportive services to help you along in the adoption journey. These services are always free.

Working with Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth parents in Indiana can receive the following services at no cost:

  • Financial assistance, including rent, utilities, phone bills, food, transportation, and maternity clothes, as needed.
  • Medical coverage. We can help you find a midwife or doctor with whom you feel comfortable and cover any uninsured medical expenses related to the pregnancy and birth.
  • Counseling, from experienced, compassionate professionals. This service is offered before and after adoption is complete.
  • Legal support. Our team of highly trained Indiana adoption attorneys can meet you at the time and place that is most convenient for you and walk you through the adoption process.
  • Adoption planning services. We can help you custom design an adoption plan that best meets your needs, including open, semi-open, and closed adoption. We can also help you choose the adoptive family for your child and assist with any communication between birth and adoptive families.

4. Who must consent to an adoption in Indiana?

Consent for an Indiana adoption must be given by the following:

  • The birth mother.
  • The birth father if paternity has been established or the child is born in wedlock.
  • The adoptee if they are 14 years or older.
  • The legal guardian of the child.
  • The Indiana family court, if the birth parent or legal guardian is not able to give consent.

According to Indiana adoption laws, consent may be given at any time after birth. This consent is then confirmed by the birth mother with a judge and the consent will be irrevocable. A birth father who has consented to the adoption cannot challenge or revoke his consent.

Adoptions With Love encourages birth mothers to take all the time they need before signing consent forms. This gives you time to get to know your baby and consider your decision one more time. It is never too late to make an adoption plan.

5. When is consent not necessary for adoption in Indiana?

Consent for adoption is not needed in some circumstances. The following are the most common:

  • A birth parent whose parental rights have been terminated
  • A birth father of a child born out of wedlock with unestablished paternity
  • A parent who has abandoned the child for 6 months before filing the adoption petition
  • A birth father who has denied paternity of the child

Learn More About the Indiana Adoption Process

If you are considering adoption for your baby, you can learn even more about the Indiana adoption process today. Reach out to Adoptions With Love at any time to learn more, obligation and commitment-free. You can call 24/7: 800-722-7731, text (confidentially) 617-777-0072, or contact us online. We can help guide you through the adoption process with respect, dignity, and love.

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