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Exploring Adoption vs. Abortion: Understanding the Differences and Choices

An unplanned pregnancy is an overwhelming experience. You may not have planned to become pregnant, but you can take control of the situation. This pregnancy is yours, and only you can decide what is best for you. If you are not yet ready to become a parent, you may be considering your alternative options. You may find yourself searching for help on the internet, Googling phrases such as “adoption vs abortion pros and cons.”

It is normal to feel all kinds of emotions and turn to the world wide web for help. The most important thing to know right now is that you are not alone. You have options, and you can get the help you deserve during this difficult time.

If you are considering your pregnancy options and have ruled out parenting, you know that there are two more choices left:

  • Adoption
  • Abortion

It is important to acknowledge that adoption is not an alternative to abortion. Still, these may be the choices you are weighing. This is never an easy decision, but one that you can make with some research, consideration, and support. In this guide, we will explore the differences between adoption and abortion and share important information on each option.

Remember that no one else can make this decision for you. No one can pressure you into choosing adoption instead of abortion. Your choices should be respected, no matter what. Adoptions With Love supports every expectant parent’s decision to choose.


Abortion is considered the end of a pregnancy before the fetus is born. When a pregnancy ends naturally before birth it is called a miscarriage, although it is sometimes documented by doctors as a “spontaneous abortion.” There are times when a pregnancy ends voluntarily, or it is recommended by a medical professional, depending on the risks and health status of the fetus and/or mother.

There are several reasons why expectant/birth mothers choose abortion. They may be victims of sexual assault, abuse, or just feel they cannot carry a child to term. If you are considering an abortion, you should first consult a doctor or trained medical professional. A consultation at a health clinic, such as Planned Parenthood, can provide the information you need regarding outcomes, side effects, and potential risks. It can also help to speak with someone who has experienced an abortion. There are support groups online wherein you can connect with others who have faced an unplanned pregnancy.

There are two methods of abortion that are considered safe and legal. Patients may opt to have an in-clinic procedure or take medication. Medication abortion, often referred to as the “abortion pill,” is prescribed by a trained doctor. The abortion pill must be taken within the first ten weeks of pregnancy. Some choose this method so they may stay in the comfort of their own home.


While it is not an alternative to abortion, adoption is another option that you may be considering. If you know you are not yet ready to parent, but you do not wish to go through an abortion, adoption might be the right choice for you. With adoption, expectant mothers carry their child to term, deliver their baby, and lovingly place their child with an adoptive family. If you wish, you may choose this adoptive family for your child. You may also speak with them – or meet them in person – before making your decision.

The most common type of adoption plan today is an open adoption. Open adoption can look different for every family, it means that there is ongoing communication between birth and adoptive parents. As the expectant/birth parent, you may choose the form and frequency of communication. If you wish to stay connected with the adoptive family via text, phone calls, social media updates, or in-person reunions, that is completely up to you. Your adoption professional can help guide you as you choose the right type of adoption plan.

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Key Differences Between Abortion vs. Adoption

The choices between adoption and abortion are vastly different, but if you are trying to decide which path is right for you, it may help to know some of the key differences.

With abortion, there is a strict deadline. Abortions are typically restricted to the first – sometimes second trimesters. If you are thinking about this option, then you need to make your decision soon.

With adoption, there is no deadline. It is never too late to make an adoption plan. Whether you are in your first trimester or have already given birth, you can make an adoption plan for your child.

Another factor to consider is the future. With abortion, the decision to end the pregnancy is final and cannot be reversed. An adoption cannot be reversed, either, particularly after the consents to the adoption are signed.  When a birth mother “gives her child up,” (adoption is anything but giving up,) she still has the chance to form a relationship with that child later. With an open adoption agreement, the adoptive family can send updates and photos so that you may see your child growing. Whether you choose to have an open, semi-open, or closed adoption, you can decide to contact your child years later. At Adoptions With Love, we keep photos and letters on file, should a birth mother change her mind regarding a closed adoption.

The Choice is Yours

No matter which choice you make regarding your unplanned pregnancy, Adoptions With Love supports you. We understand that this is a difficult situation. You are in charge of this pregnancy, and you should be supported and treated with dignity no matter what you decide to do.

If you are considering adoption for your child, contact Adoptions With Love today. We can help guide you every step of the way. We can help answer your questions, walk you through the adoption journey, and listen to your concerns and wishes. We never place any pressure on expectant/birth mothers, and there is never any obligation. You should take all the time you need to decide what is right for you and your child. Call us to learn more about lovingly placing your child for adoption today. We are here to speak with you 24/7 at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or you may contact us online.

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