Adoptions With Love Blog

Unplanned Pregnancy & Adoption [Infographic]

If you have just discovered you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be feeling scared, confused, lost, or alone. You are about to embark on an emotional journey. At Adoptions With Love want you to know that you are not alone, and you will never have to be.

In recent research, our team found that 51% of pregnancies in the United States are unplanned. Every woman has a different situation, and everyone’s reasons for considering adoption are her own. The most important thing for you to remember, though, is that there are people out there who truly care about your unique situation; there are compassionate individuals who care about you and your life ahead. We are here, and will help guide you through this.

You have time to make a plan, and you have many positive options. In making your next step, consider each one of them carefully. Gather as much information as you can about every possible choice, so that you will make a loving, intelligent, and fully informed decision regarding your child.

To help you move forward, we have collected all of the facts, alongside step-by-step considerations and questions to ask yourself, which will help prepare you for this journey. As you read on, you will find this helpful information compiled into an enlightening infographic. This resource will educate you on your options and show you that adoption is a very positive choice for you and your baby.

Choosing adoption does not mean you are giving up your child; you are making a thoughtful and loving plan. It shows that you love your child enough to give him or her a devoted family, a loving home and the opportunity to grow. For more support and assistance from Adoptions With Love, follow the link below for our full Guide to an Unplanned Pregnancy. We are here for you every step of the way.

Download our Free Guide to Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned Pregnancy and Adoption – The Illustrated Infographic

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*Updated 2015 statistics show that the total cost of raising a child for middle-income parents is now estimated to be $233,610 per child up to age 18.