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4 Best Adoption Podcasts in 2025

Podcasts have captivated our attention. With more than 500 million listeners worldwide, the average listener spends about seven hours per week hooked on their favorite podcast app. It has become a popular medium for learning, storytelling, and connection. Whether it is comedy, compelling interviews, news, or true crime, there is a podcast for everyone. This includes the adoption community.

Adoption-related media helps foster understanding, education, and community. There are plenty of terrific books, TV series, and films that cover this subject. If you have been touched by adoption in some way – either as an adoptive parent or sibling, a birth parent, or you were adopted as a child – you may be interested in tuning in to an adoption podcast. To help, we have compiled a list of some of the best adoption podcasts to tune in to in 2025.

Our Criteria for Adoption Podcasts

There are many podcasts out there, but only a select few tick every box on our checklist. At Adoptions With Love, we look for relevance to adoption, quality of content, popularity, frequency of updates, and diversity of perspectives. To best serve the adoption community, we look for inclusivity in adoption podcasts, meaning there are discussions from the point of view of adoptive parents, birth parents, adoptees, and, of course, professionals. Here is our list of the top four adoption podcasts for 2025:

1. Open Adoption Project

The Open Adoption Project is a volunteer-based podcast that works to connect with the adoption community and allow everyone in the adoption triad – birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees – to share their stories. As stated on their website, this special series is “a community dedicated to listening and learning, and building relationships based on healthy and respectful communication.” As its name implies, the Open Adoption Project encourages those in open adoptions to nurture their relationships.

Key Themes: Open adoption

Standout Episodes: Improving Family Communication Patterns, Establishing and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries, Why Open Adoption?

Where to listen: Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

2. Birth Mother Matters

This Arizona-based adoption podcast is focused on supporting birth mothers through their adoption journey.

Key Themes: Birth mother advice, birth father’s rights, open adoption

Standout Episodes: Season 4, Episode 225: Birth father Involvement in the Adoption Process, Season 3, Episode 222: Birth Mother Common Concerns, Season 3 Episode 213: Benefits and Challenges of Open Adoption

Where to Listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Blog Talk Radio.

3. Adoption Talk

Passionate podcast listeners can catch a new episode of Adoption Talk twice a month. The series features discussions with birth parents, adoptive families, and people who have been adopted. It also includes conversations with adoption professionals and health and social service experts. These guests share their knowledge and experiences to cover all-things adoption.

Key Themes: Transracial adoption, LGBTQ adoption, open adoption, search and reunion, foster care

Standout Episodes: Search and Reunion ‘Who Am I Really?’ Host Damon Davis, Normalizing Transracial LGBTQ Adoption with Actor Raymond J. Lee and Life-Coach Robbi Kearns,

Where to Listen: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora

4. Adopting! The Podcast

This podcast focuses on helping families get started with the adoption journey. The goal is to help listeners learn about what to expect and how the adoption process works. This includes what to expect with the Home Study, how to determine if adoption is right for you, red flags in the adoption match journey, and more.

Key Themes: the adoptive family’s experience, open adoption

Standout Episodes: Learning How to Keep Your Open Adoption Open, How an Adoption Match Gets Made, How to Gain Support from Family & Friends for Your Adoption

Where to Listen: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Why Podcasts Are Valuable for the Adoption Community

Podcasts can be valuable for anyone starting an adoption journey or already touched by adoption. Whether you are an expectant/birth parent, an adoptive parent or sibling, or you have been adopted – these adoption podcasts bring expert knowledge and heartfelt conversations into our daily lives. For professionals, these adoption podcasts can offer a diverse perspective and unique insight into the world of adoption.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Adoption Podcasts

You can get the most out of your favorite adoption podcasts by doing more than just listening. Here are some tips to engage with your favorite streamed series:

  • Take notes. This will help you remember key pieces of information or impactful words of wisdom.
  • Join a discussion group. There are forums and fan clubs for the most popular podcasts. Find one to engage in conversation with other listeners. This will foster connection and help build a sense of community.
  • Follow social media pages. These are another way to engage with others who are experiencing a similar journey. It can also help broaden your perspective by hearing from those experiencing another side of the adoption journey.
  • Explore other resources. There are plenty of books about adoption (for expectant/birth parents and for hopeful adoptive families), TV shows about adoption, and films about adoption that can add to your entertainment and learning.

Adoption podcasts are an easy and enjoyable way to learn more about this incredible journey. Regardless of what stage you are in with the adoption process, you can benefit from these audio series. Whether you have just learned of your pregnancy, have already given birth, are looking to adopt, have just adopted, or you were adopted as a child – there is something to be gained with adoption podcasts.

Check out our recommended adoption podcasts and let us know what you think. Adoption is a life-changing experience.

If you would like to learn more about adoption – either to make an adoption plan or to grow your family – contact Adoptions With Love today. Call 800-722-7731, text (confidentially) 617-777-0072, or reach out online. We can support you and walk you through the adoption process every step of the way.

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