An Expert, Caring Adoption Agency in West Virginia

West Virginia adoption services for expectant/birth mothers

Adoptions With Love is a non-profit adoption agency that provides compassionate counseling and adoption services to expectant/birth parents nationwide. If you are seeking a West Virginia adoption agency, we are here for you. Adoptions With Love has a team of caring counselors and expert adoption attorneys in West Virginia, who are ready to help you through this journey. Whether you just found out you are pregnant, or have already given birth, we can guide you in making an adoption plan – at no cost to you.

Making an Adoption Plan in West Virginia

Adoptions With Love has been helping expectant/birth parents for over 35 years. We understand how difficult and overwhelming an unplanned pregnancy can be. It is our goal to help you make a decision with which you are comfortable. At AWL, there is no pressure to choose adoption. We are here to educate you on your options, answer your questions, and help you make the best possible choice for you and your child. Our counseling services are free of charge to expectant/birth parents.

If and when you are ready to make an adoption plan, we can help you navigate the entire adoption process, from start to finish. This involves:

  • Choosing a family for your baby: At Adoptions With Love, you always have the opportunity to choose the family to raise your baby, if you wish. You can tell us what you are looking for in an adoptive family, and we will share letters and photo albums from each family that matches your desires and needs. Choosing the family for your baby can give you great peace of mind. If you would like, you can meet with your chosen family during your pregnancy, or even after birth.
  • Selecting an open or closed adoption: Adoptions With Love offers open, semi-open, and closed adoption plans. This allows you to maintain contact with the adoptive family if you wish. If you choose a closed adoption now, you may open it at a later date. All of our adoptive families agree to at least a semi-open adoption. This involves sending letters and picture updates for you on a yearly basis. It is your choice to receive them. We can help guide you through this process to determine which type of adoption plan is best for you.
  • Ongoing counseling and care: Adoptions With Love is available at all times, any day of the week. This service does not end with your adoption. We understand you may need emotional support after giving birth. Adoptions With Love will be here for you during your pregnancy, throughout the adoption process, and beyond. All counseling services are confidential and free of charge.
adoption agency in west virginia

Expert Adoption Services in West Virginia

Adoption is an incredibly brave and selfless decision. It means putting your child’s needs above your own, and making a thoughtful plan for his or her life. If you are making an adoption plan, you deserve unending respect and support throughout the process.

Adoptions With Love offers a range of support services to expectant/birth mothers choosing adoption in West Virginia. In addition to options counseling, we can offer financial support such as:

  • Rent assistance
  • Utility bills
  • Food
  • Prenatal expenses
  • Uninsured medical and maternity-related costs
  • Maternity clothes
  • Other living expenses; please contact us for more details

If you do not have a doctor or hospital chosen, we can help you find a reputable care provider in West Virginia. We can then help you create an adoption hospital plan, which outlines any wishes and requests for your delivery and hospital stay. Remember, our experienced adoption professionals are here for you every step of the way. We will help you design an adoption plan that meets YOUR needs and makes YOU feel comfortable.

Speak With West Virginia Adoption Counselors

Legal Services in West Virginia

We understand that the adoption process can be confusing and, at times, overwhelming—especially since adoption laws and regulations vary by state. Every state has different laws relating to birth father involvement, relinquishing parental rights, and more. A West Virginia adoption agency can help you through the legal process.

Adoptions With Love has close partnerships with adoption attorneys in West Virginia. They can meet you (wherever you wish) and walk you through the various steps of the adoption process. All our legal services are free of charge to expectant/birth parents.

In West Virginia, you must wait at least 72 hours after your child is born before signing consent to the adoption. This allows you to take time with your baby (if you would like), and ensure you are fully comfortable with your decision. There are also specific laws relating to the birth father’s consent, and the adoption finalization in court. For more information, contact Adoptions With Love and we will answer any questions you may have about adoption in your state.

You are Not Alone

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, do not hesitate to contact us for guidance and support. Unplanned pregnancy is a difficult situation that you should never have to face alone. We are here for you at any stage of your pregnancy and beyond.

If you have just given birth, we can also help you create an adoption plan. Call us at 1-800-722-7731 today, and we can send one of our counselors right to your hospital room.

It is never too late to make an adoption plan. If you are not ready to become a parent, but wish to give your baby a life full of love,  stability and opportunity, adoption may be the right next step for you. Choosing adoption does not mean giving up your child; it means giving your baby a loving, supportive, lifelong family with which he or she will grow.

Adoptions With Love is a trusted and highly respected adoption agency serving West Virginia. You may reach us at any time of day, any day of the week by calling 800-722-7731, or texting us confidentially at 617-777-0072.

You may also contact us here.

Adoptions With Love, a non-profit adoption agency, has been assisting expectant/birthparents in West Virginia for over 35 years."

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