Choosing adoption does not have to mean goodbye. Today, expectant/birth mothers in Massachusetts have the ability to make an open adoption plan for their baby. Open adoption allows birth mothers and adoptive families to have a relationship before and/or after the adoption is finalized.
- Open adoption gives you the chance to maintain ongoing communication with your child’s adoptive family.
- The form and frequency of contact may be tailored to meet your individual needs.
- Studies show that open adoption is a positive choice for everyone involved in the adoption triad, but it is particularly beneficial for the child.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for your child, you likely have many questions. We have created this guide to help you understand what it means to make an open adoption plan in Massachusetts. Of course, any time you need help or would like to speak to a professional, you may reach out to Adoptions With Love at 1-800-722-7731 or contact us online.
If you are looking to get more information regarding Massachusetts open adoptions, read on. Here, we will break down the basics as you explore your options.
What Does Open Adoption Mean?
There is no single definition of open adoption. To each person, open adoption can mean something different. Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two adoption plans are exactly the same. At Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth mothers can design the type of adoption plan that works for them and meets their unique needs and desires.
For many expectant/birth moms, open adoption in Massachusetts typically involves:
- Choosing the adoptive family for their baby
- Communicating directly with the adoptive family, and – if desired – meeting them prior to baby’s arrival
- Maintaining a relationship with the baby’s adoptive family throughout the years
In choosing an open adoption, you are also opening the door to many other positive decisions in the adoption process. Many expectant/birth mothers who have an established relationship with their child’s adoptive parents choose to include them in the baby’s big arrival. For example, you may wish to have them in the delivery room at the hospital. Of course, this will depend on your comfort level. You can decide whether you want time alone with the baby, or if you would like the adoptive parents to be there with you. Every detail may be planned ahead of baby’s birth. If you are making your adoption plan from your hospital bed, or you are making arrangements after your baby’s birth, that is okay, too. It is never too late to make an adoption plan.
As an open adoption agency in Massachusetts, every hopeful adoptive family at Adoptions With Love agrees to having at least a semi-open adoption. This means they are open to some contact with the birth mother no matter what, whether that be sending letters and pictures, or having meetings that are mediated by the adoption agency. A semi-open adoption means you have contact with the adoptive family, but that contact may not be direct.
In an open adoption, the birth mother is in the driver’s seat. YOU get to carve the path and create a plan that works best for you and your baby. YOU get to choose what type of contact you would like to have, and how much you would like to stay in touch. Openness may evolve over time. You may choose to connect with the family via video call, text messages, or Skype or shared photo account. There are also more traditional ways of communicating with your child’s adoptive family, such as snail mail, email, phone calls, or in-person visits.
At Adoptions With Love, your social worker can help you negotiate the type of adoption plan you want. The plans are put into legal and binding contracts, with room for renegotiation throughout your child’s life.
Are Open Adoptions in Massachusetts Enforceable?
As you consider an open adoption plan in Massachusetts, you may be wondering how this works from a legal standpoint. How can you ensure that everyone will follow the plan? As noted above, a licensed adoption agency in Massachusetts (like AWL) can create legal, binding contracts for your post-adoption plan.
Post-adoption contract agreements (PACAs) are legal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As with any other legally binding contract, PACAs (also called open adoption agreements) can be legally enforced if one party fails to uphold their end of the agreement. If you desire an open adoption, this may bring you peace of mind.
However, know that PACAs are usually just a formality, set up “just in case” something happens. Typically, both birth and adoptive families in open adoptions are very happy to interact with one another, without supervision of an agency. Adoptive families are aware that maintaining a positive relationship with their child’s biological family is important the child’s well-being.
Adoptions With Love counsels both birth and adoptive families on the importance of respecting one another by upholding their written adoption agreements. If either party loses touch, we can help maintain communication for the first 18 years of a child’s life. We also keep photos and updates on the child’s progress on file, should anyone wish to check in or even reunite down the road.

The Benefits of Open Adoption
Open adoption has many benefits for everyone involved. Many birth parents say that it gives them peace of mind, as they can see first-hand how their child is doing and growing over the years.
Adoptive parents often enjoy sharing updates, photos, and memories with their child’s birth family. Open contact also gives them access to answers about their child’s background and family history.
Most importantly, children in open adoptions experience many benefits. It helps promote a positive sense-of-self and identity, as they can grow up knowing their biological family. They can also grow up understanding their adoption story and their birth mother’s choice. Additionally, studies show that children who meet their birth mothers in person have the highest level of satisfaction or happiness in their adoption arrangements.
Make an Open Adoption Plan in Massachusetts
Adoptions With Love works tirelessly to ensure birth mothers and adoptive families are comfortable with the adoption plan. Since all adoptive families agree to at least a semi-open adoption, the birth mother can feel free to express her wishes in how she would like this adoption plan to work.
If you are considering placing your child for adoption in Massachusetts, ask yourself, “What do I want in my adoption plan?” How do you envision your adoption plan looking over the years? Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you wish to keep in touch with your child’s adoptive family several times a year? Once a year?
- Would you like to see photos of the child and family?
- Do you wish to keep up with the family over the phone? On virtual chats?
- Do you hope to have in-person visits occasionally?
Your unique needs matter, and Adoption With Love can help you navigate these choices. Not only will you get the support you need in making the adoption plan, you will also have ongoing support throughout the years. Adoptions With Love serves as the mediator, ready to assist as the liaison between the birth and adoptive families as needed.
A child’s emotional needs change over the years. An open adoption plan can evolve and be tweaked to accommodate these changes. When a child grows into a teenager or adult, they can decide what type of relationship they would like to have with their birth mother. Adoptions With Love is always available and ready to help facilitate these changing needs. We have a very active search and reunion program that continues to grow. We are committed to helping birth and adoptive families maintain respectful relationships.
No two people are alike, and open adoption follows the same rule of thumb. An open adoption that works best for you and your needs will help bring you comfort and peace of mind. Making an adoption plan is a loving and courageous decision.
If you would like to learn more about Massachusetts open adoption, contact Adoptions With Love today. Call us any time of day, any day of the week at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online. We are here and ready to help you make an open adoption plan that works best for your individual needs.