Please provide their information below:
Please complete the table below to indicate whether you have used any of the following medications or substances during the past 5 years, including during this pregnancy.
For any of the following conditions where you select a ‘Yes’ response, please use the space below to indicate the specific type of medication/substance used, the most recent date when the medication/substance was used, whether it was prescribed, and the frequency of use. Please be as specific as possible. Below are a few examples.
Please complete the table below to indicate whether you or any of your immediate family members (mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, or children) currently have or have had any of the following medical conditions in the past.
For any of the following conditions where you select a ‘Yes’ response, please use the fields provided to indicate who currently has (or has had in the past) the specific medical condition, the age of onset for the condition, and whether any medications were prescribed for the condition. Please be as specific as possible. Below are a few examples.