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What You Need to Know About Adoption Laws in New Hampshire

Adoption laws vary by state. This means there are 50 different sets of adoption laws throughout the United States. It is important, when considering adoption, to work with reputable adoption agencies and attorneys who are familiar with New Hampshire adoption laws.

Many expectant/birth mothers in the Granite State choose to work with a New Hampshire adoption agency, such as Adoptions With Love. A full-service adoption agency can provide free legal services to anyone looking to make an adoption plan.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be wondering how to give baby up for adoption in New Hampshire* Adoption is not “giving up” your baby, it is making a loving and selfless choice for your child’s future. The first place to turn is an experienced adoption agency. You can call 800-722-7731 to get the information you need, free of obligation and always free of charge. Meanwhile, read on as we highlight what you need to know about New Hampshire adoption laws.

*This information is not to be taken as legal advice. It is best to consult an adoption professional directly for legal matters. *

When Can a Birth Mother Consent to Adoption in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire birth mothers must wait 72 hours after birth before signing legal documents terminating their parental rights, consenting to the adoption.  The birth parents then must go to court to verify their consent in front of a judge.  Adoption is a lifelong decision. At Adoptions With Love, we encourage all birth mothers to take as much time as they need to decide. It is never too late to make an adoption plan. You can take time after giving birth to meet your child and consider your decision before signing the paperwork.

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What About the Birth Father’s Rights?

Birth father’s rights are complicated and are typically handled on a case-by-case basis. According to New Hampshire adoption laws, a birth father and a legal father are not necessarily the same. The birth father is a person who has been named the father of a child, while a legal father is a person listed on the birth certificate. Anyone who claims paternity with the Office of Child Services is notified of an adoption. This person would then need to appear in court to prove paternity. New Hampshire has a Putative Father Registry to handle these claims. Paternity can also be determined with a petition to the court. It is best to contact your adoption attorney for clarity on your child’s birth father and his potential rights.

New Hampshire Adoption Laws Related to Birth Parent Expenses

Facing an unplanned pregnancy in New Hampshire can be a stressful experience. It can also put a financial strain on the expectant mother. Many states have laws to define which expenses can be covered by the adoptive parents. New Hampshire adoption laws express those services such as counseling, legal services, medical coverage, and some living expenses may be covered.

At Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth mothers who choose adoption have access to the following free services:

  • We can cover a deposit and several months of rent.
  • Other living expenses, such as utilities, phone bills, transportation, food, and maternity clothes.
  • Medical care. We can help you find a doctor or midwife with whom you feel comfortable, and cover any uninsured medical bills related to the pregnancy and birth, reimbursed after the adoption is complete.
  • Comprehensive counseling services, before and after adoption.
  • Legal services. Our New Hampshire adoption attorneys will meet with you to ensure you understand your rights and answer any questions you may have.
  • Adoption planning and ongoing support from our experienced adoption specialists.

If you have any questions related to NH adoption laws, you should contact a licensed adoption attorney for more guidance.

New Hampshire adoption should always happen with the assistance of an adoption professional. A full-service private adoption agency like Adoptions With Love will prioritize your needs. You deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.

Learn more about New Hampshire adoption laws by contacting Adoptions With Love today. Our adoption attorneys can meet you whenever or wherever it is convenient for you. Whether you live in Derry, Lincoln, Concord, or anywhere in between – we can come to you and help guide you through your New Hampshire adoption. Call us 24/7 at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online.

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