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A Guide to Abortion Laws in Arizona

The news around Arizona’s abortion laws, and abortion laws across the United States, is evolving daily. If you have any questions about the latest abortion law information, please do not hesitate to call Adoptions With Love.

Arizona abortion laws are being debated by lawmakers in the state. The state Supreme Court is weighing whether the 1860-era law banning abortion should be enforced. As of this writing, abortion is legal in Arizona, but it is restricted to the first 15 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy. Abortion laws have been changing around the country since Roe v. Wade was reversed in 2022. This has been leaving expectant mothers confused about their rights.

If you are living in Arizona and facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be considering your options. After scrolling through newsfeeds and watching the news, you may be wondering if abortion is even an option.

Unplanned pregnancy is a difficult situation. You may be feeling scared, stressed, and overwhelmed. This is completely normal. There are also resources that can help. You need not face this alone. We are here to help.

Read on, as we explore the new Arizona abortion laws and the choices you have as an expectant parent in 2024. We will recap the latest changes that Arizona has experienced, your pregnancy options, resources available to you, and your other options. Read on to learn more.

The Current Abortion Laws in Arizona

Abortion is still legal in Arizona, but there are strict restrictions in place. Abortion in Arizona is permitted within the following parameters:

  • Within the first 15 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy
  • Beyond 15 weeks in the case of a life-threatening medical emergency for the mother

There are no other exceptions, even in cases of rape or incest. The original law was put into place in 1864. It was blocked once Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973. The state decided to enact the bill – which had been blocked for 50 years – once the right of abortion was reversed in 2022.

Lawmakers and advocates on either side of the aisle continue to debate the Arizona abortion laws. The Arizona Supreme Court is reviewing a lower-court decision that states doctors could not be charged for performing an abortion procedure in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy because other state laws over the years have allowed the right to abortion.

Meanwhile, abortion rights advocates are pushing for the state to consider creating a constitutional right to abortion.

As of this writing, Arizona abortion laws state that abortion is only permitted in the first 15 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy, with the only exception being a life-threatening emergency to the mother.

Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options in Arizona

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy in Arizona, you will want to have all the information you need before considering your next step. Despite the changes in abortion laws in Arizona, you still have the following options:

  • Abortion (if you are past the 15-week mark, you must travel to another state)
  • Parenthood
  • Adoption


Abortion may not be an option past the 15-week, 6-day mark in Arizona, but there is hope for anyone beyond that point in gestation. If you are more than 3 months pregnant, you will need to travel to another state to get a safe and legal abortion. It is legal to travel to another state for an abortion. For many expectant parents, however, this is a challenge. It is often costly and time-consuming to travel to another state for the procedure. There is good news here: There are organizations that can help make it possible.

If you wish to have an abortion, but cannot cross state lines on your own, the following organizations may be able to help:

Abortion may or may not be the right option for you. At Adoptions With Love, we support a woman’s right to choose. No matter what you decide, it is important to speak with a medical professional before making any pregnancy decision. It is also important to consider all your options before deciding what is right for you.


When facing an unplanned pregnancy in Arizona, you may consider parenting your child. Parenthood can be a rewarding experience, but it is also a big undertaking. Before making your decision, consider how raising a child will impact your life. How will you support a growing family? Who will you rely on for support? Can you offer your child a stable home with everything he/she requires? These are just a few examples of the questions to ask yourself before deciding on parenthood.


Adoption is a positive choice for those who are not yet ready to parent, but do not wish to have an abortion. This is not the right path for everyone. It requires strength, love, and devotion. Choosing adoption for your child means placing their needs before your own wants. This choice means giving your child a life you may not be able to provide now.

Making an adoption plan in Arizona can offer expectant/birth mothers many benefits. This decision means giving your child a wonderful life, full of love and opportunity, while having the freedom to pursue your own goals. Thanks to open adoption – the most common type of adoption plan today – adoption can offer these freedoms without saying goodbye forever. You can choose to maintain an ongoing relationship with your child’s adoptive family. You may choose to stay connected through phone calls, emails, or even in-person reunions! With open adoption, children grow up knowing their adoption story and understanding that they are loved by two families instead of one.

If you are thinking about placing your child for adoption in Arizona, you can rest assured that you can find the support you need. At Adoptions With Love, for example, expectant/birth mothers who choose adoption have access to the following free services:

  • Housing assistance. We can cover a deposit and several months of rent.
  • Other living expenses, such as utilities, phone bills, transportation, and even maternity clothes, as needed.
  • Medical care. We can cover any uninsured medical bills that relate to the pregnancy and birth.
  • Legal assistance. Our trained adoption attorneys are experienced in adoption in Arizona and ensure that your adoption goes through safely and legally. They will also take the time to answer your questions and make sure your rights as understood every step of the way.
  • Compassionate counseling, before and after the adoption is finalized.
  • Ongoing support. We can work with you as you navigate your open or semi-open adoption for the many years following the adoption. If you choose a closed adoption, we keep photos and letters on file, should you decide to open the adoption later.

Learn More About Adoption

Despite the legal changes in Arizona abortion laws, you do have options. You should not have to face this pregnancy alone. There are resources to help in any decision you make. If you wish to pursue an abortion, there are credible resources to help. No decision you make should be judged or criticized. This is your pregnancy. The choices are yours.

The best Arizona adoption agency can walk you through the adoption process every step of the way. At a reputable and experienced agency working in Arizona, like Adoptions With Love, you can have access to a team of adoption attorneys and compassionate counselors who have worked with expectant/birth mothers for many years.

If you would like to learn more about adoption in Arizona, contact Adoptions With Love today. We can listen to you and answer any questions you may have, free of obligation or commitment. Call us any time of day, any day of the week at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online.

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