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Is Anyone Willing to Adopt a Newborn Baby? How to Find a Family for Your Baby

Facing an unplanned pregnancy – and giving birth when you are not ready – can be scary and overwhelming. If you have recently had a baby, and you are not in the position to parent, you may be considering adoption. You may be wondering if there is anyone willing to adopt a newborn baby, and how the process works. You are certainly not alone. Many women have faced this challenging decision.

Each year in the United States, about 14,000 people choose to place their babies for adoption. Adoption is a positive choice for those who are not yet ready to parent, but also want to make sure their child has a happy life. If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, you might have questions like:

  • Who will adopt my baby? Can anyone adopt?
  • Is there anyone willing to adopt a newborn baby?
  • How can I find an adoptive family that I can trust to offer a safe and loving home?
  • Is adoption even possible after giving birth?

Rest assured that you can make an adoption plan after birth. There are safe, stable, and loving families who are ready to adopt a newborn baby—in fact, they would love nothing more. Read on to learn more about finding the right family and starting the adoption process for your child.

Can Anyone Adopt My Baby?

If you are thinking about making an adoption plan for your child, you may have some reservations. That is completely normal. The idea of handing your child over to a family is a nerve-racking experience. Nearly every mother has her child’s best interests at heart. In considering adoption, you are putting your child’s needs before your own.

The answer to your question, “Can anyone adopt my baby?”, is no. Adoption is a thorough and careful process. Only those who have been thoroughly screened and deemed fit to parent are allowed to adopt.

There are certain steps every adoptive family must take before adopting a child. At Adoptions With Love, for example, every prospective adoptive family must complete a Home Study. This several months-long processes involve multiple interviews, home visits, FBI background checks, and the thorough examination of important documents. Adoptions With Love covers everything from medical and financial records to letters of recommendation. Your adoption professional will not approve a family before first determining that they are healthy – physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially – and ready to care for and love a growing child.

This will give you a sense of peace-of-mind, as you want to make sure the home your child is going to is a loving, safe and stable one. You should never find a family on the internet or social media. You should always work with an adoption agency to ensure you are choosing an approved adoptive family. This will ensure your baby is placed in a secure and caring environment. It will also ensure your adoption is completely safe and legal.

Who Wants to Adopt a Newborn?

While every adoptive family must meet the same requirements within their state, the reasons for them wanting to adopt can vary greatly. Adoption is a personal decision that is reached for a number of reasons. There are couples who wish to grow their family but have struggled with infertility. There are individuals who have been adopted – or have a loved one who was adopted – and have always dreamed of growing their family the same way. There are people longing to be parents but can only do so through adoption right now, such as same-sex couples or single parents.  Many of these families are looking to adopt a newborn baby that they can raise right from birth (or shortly thereafter). There are many more reasons people want to adopt newborn babies. You can rest assured that you will find the perfect parents to raise your child.

Contact Us

At Adoptions With Love, there are many hopeful adoptive families waiting to adopt children and bring them into their loving homes. These are families of various:

  • Ages
  • Ethnicities
  • Genders/Sexes
  • Marital status
  • Sexual orientations

As a compassionate, private, domestic adoption agency, Adoptions With Love works with expectant/birth mothers of every state within the U.S. of all different backgrounds.

How to Find Someone to Adopt My Newborn Baby

One of the many choices expectant/birth mothers have when choosing adoption is selecting the adoptive family for their baby. This is something that is incredibly important to many expectant/ birth mothers. You want to be confident that your child is going to the right home, and you can be assured that you will find the perfect parents for your child with the help of a reputable adoption agency.

At Adoptions With Love, expectant/birth mothers can browse the profiles of families waiting to adopt. These profiles include booklets with photos, letters, videos and stories about their life. You can ask follow-up questions with your social worker for more information.

When you find a family profile that you like, you can also request to speak with the family – or meet in person – before making your decision. Adoptions With Love can help guide you through this process and make a meeting arrangement with which you are most comfortable.

You can also find the family right from the hospital or any time after birth. It is never too late to make an adoption plan. An adoption professional at Adoptions With Love can come to you and meet you when and where it is most convenient.

How to Ask Someone to Adopt my Baby

Once you have made your decision, you will want to make it official. You might be wondering how to broach the awkward subject of asking a couple or individual: “Do you want to adopt my baby?” With the help of an experienced adoption agency by your side, you do not need to worry. Your adoption counselor can reach out and let the lucky family know they have been selected.

If you wish, and you form a comfortable relationship with the adoptive family. Once you are ready to make it official, you can use the help of Adoptions With Love to set up a phone call or in-person meet-up. This – like so many other choices that come with making an adoption plan – is completely up to you.

Again, working with a licensed adoption agency can keep both you and your baby safe. Meeting families over the internet or social media comes with risks, including carrying out an illegal adoption. Choosing a family that has been vetted and approved by an adoption agency will protect your rights as an expectant/birth mother, and will ensure your baby is placed in a loving and stable home.

For expectant/birth mothers choosing adoption, an agency’s services are completely free of charge. Our goal is simply to support you through this difficult time, and ensure your baby is matched with the best possible family.

Making an Adoption Plan After Giving Birth

Many birth mothers wonder if it’s ever too late to place a baby for adoption. If you are wondering, “Can I give my baby up for adoption after birth?”, the answer is a resounding yes. Some birth mothers do not make their decision until they are in the hospital or delivery room. Many needs time to think about their circumstances and the reality of parenting versus adoption. This is okay! If you have already given birth, and are now seeking someone to adopt your newborn baby, it is still an option for you.  Know that you are not “give up” your baby, you are making a thoughtful, courageous and loving plan for your baby.

If you are in the hospital, or already at home with baby, you can contact an adoption agency to begin the process.  Adoptions With Love, for example, will meet you wherever you are to discuss your options and next steps, including finding an approved adoptive family that you can trust to love your baby. By making an adoption plan with an agency, you can provide your child with a wonderful life and you can hand-select the family for your child. This can also help you avoid having to place your child in foster care, if that is a concern to you.

If you would like to learn more about making an adoption plan and finding the perfect family for your baby, reach out to Adoptions With Love. We can help you find the perfect family and put your mind at ease if you are wondering how you will find anyone willing to adopt a newborn baby. We are with you  every step of the way throughout this journey. Call us any time of day, any day of the week at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online.

You may also download our eBook, “A Guide to Adoption After Birth” below.

Download Our EBook

If you would like to learn about adoption after birth, you are in the right place. Download our free guide for more information about adoption after birth, and how to start the process.

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