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A Guide to Abortion Laws in Alabama

Abortion rights have changed dramatically in the U.S. since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022. Alabama abortion laws have changed, as well. On June 24, 2022, Alabama began enforcing its total abortion ban, which prohibits abortion at all stages of pregnancy. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy in Alabama, you may be wondering what this means for your pregnancy options.

The good news is that you still have options. In this short guide, we will break down the pregnancy options you have in Alabama. For support and guidance, you may contact Adoptions With Love. You can call 800-722-7731 or reach out online for commitment-free information.

When is Abortion in Alabama Permitted?

Alabama has some of the strictest abortion restrictions in the country. All pregnancy termination is illegal after the point of conception. There are no exceptions made for cases of rape or incest. This abortion ban includes in-office procedures and at-home abortion medication, as well.

The only time abortion is permitted in Alabama is when the expectant/birth mother’s life is at risk.

Is Abortion Still an Option for Me?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy in Alabama and want – or need – an abortion, you can still obtain one safely. The only way for Alabama residents to get an abortion is to travel to another state. Traveling to another state for an abortion is legal, but it can be pricey. This is often not a feasible option for those facing financial strain. To help, there are organizations that will help fund your travel and procedure. The following resources can help someone travel for abortion:

What are My Other Pregnancy Options?

Alabama abortion laws and restrictions aside, there are other options for expectant mothers in the Heart of Dixie. You can also choose between:

  • Parenthood
  • Adoption

Parenthood may be an option you are considering. There is a lot to think about when it comes to supporting a growing family. Will you continue to work or go to school after your child is born? What will you do for childcare? Who can offer emotional support throughout your parenting journey? Parenthood can be a wonderful path that offers a lifetime of love and joy, but it can also be incredibly hard. It is hardest on those who do not have the right support system and stable living situation. There are resources to help, including:

Parenting Assistance Line (PAL)

Alabama Parent Education Center

Alabama Family Central

If you feel that you cannot raise your child, but you do not want – or cannot get – an abortion, then you may be considering adoption. Making an adoption plan in Alabama is a positive choice. While adoption is not the right path for everyone, it may be the right choice for you. If you are looking for a way to provide your child with a bright future, adoption is a wonderful path to pursue.

Learn About Adoption

How Adoption in Alabama Works

The Alabama adoption process can be made easier with the support of an experienced adoption agency. The first step to “giving your baby up baby for adoption in Alabama”* is to find an adoption agency upon which you can rely. This professional will also walk you through the adoption process every step of the way. *Adoption is not “giving up your baby”  it is a thoughtful and loving decision that a woman makes for the well-being of her child.

A full-service, private adoption agency like Adoptions With Love can offer you supportive services at no cost to you. They can, in fact, offer you financial assistance during this difficult time in your life.

At Adoptions With Love, Alabama birth mothers who choose adoption are provided with the following services for free:

  • Adoption planning services. We can help you design an adoption plan that best meets your needs. You can also choose the adoptive parents and meet with them before making your decision if you wish.
  • Compassionate counseling services, before and after the adoption is complete.
  • Legal support, with experienced adoption attorneys who are well-versed in Alabama adoption laws and can answer any question you may have throughout the adoption process.
  • Financial support. We can help pay several months of rent, and cover other living expenses such as utilities, transportation, food, phone bills, and even maternity clothes, as needed.
  • Medical coverage. We can reimburse any uninsured medical bills related to the pregnancy and birth after the adoption is complete.

Learn More About Adoption Today

If you would like to learn more about your pregnancy options and adoption, contact Adoptions With Love today. As an Alabama adoption agency, we have been working with Alabama birth parents since 1986. We can help you design an adoption plan that will bring you comfort and peace with the decision, without any pressure or judgment. Call 800-722-7731, text (confidentially) 617-777-0072, or contact us online. We can help you navigate this unplanned pregnancy with the respect and dignity you deserve.

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