Successful Open Adoption

Most people know that when a woman chooses to place her baby for adoption, it is a decision made with great love and consideration. Most people know it is a brave and selfless sacrifice made in the best interest of her child. Still, however, we hear phrases like “give up” and “put up” for adoption. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we want you to know that choosing adoption does not mean giving up.

Choosing adoption means giving your baby the best possible life you can give, even when you are not ready to become a parent. It means making a thoughtful plan for
your child’s life ahead, even when you did not plan for this pregnancy. If you wish, you can now choose to be an ongoing part of your child’s plan and your child’s life. This is possible through open adoption.

If you read our previous “Guide to Open Adoption,” you may already have a good idea of what open adoption entails. Right now, you may be considering open
adoption as a positive choice for you and your baby. You know you are not ready to become a parent, but also want to remain a part of your child’s life in some way. Still, you have some hesitations about the open adoption process. Like many expectant/birth parents, you might be confused about how open adoption works, and also what makes it work well. Will it cause confusion? Will it stir feelings of regret? Will being a part of your child’s life keep you from moving forward with your own?

Research shows that birth mothers who make open adoption plans generally report greater peace of mind. They have comfort in knowing how their child is doing and growing. They are able to move forward with their lives without any anxieties or unknowns. They can also begin beautiful, lasting relationships with their child’s adoptive family. Today, more than 9 out of 10 women who make an adoption plan request some level of openness with the adoptive family. Adoptions With Love is a non-profit, full-service, open adoption agency working with expectant/birth parents nationwide. For over 32 years, we have helped women make the best possible plans for their babies, whether open, semi-open, or closed adoption plans. We can also help you. This eBook is designed to help you create a successful, meaningful, and healthful open adoption plan.