Adopting a Baby After Having Children

A Guide for Blended Families

In modern society, there all types of families and family make-ups. There is not one, single definition of family—however, there is one common thread: families are formed with love. Similarly, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to build a family. You can become a parent by birth, IVF, surrogacy, and adoption. Some parents use a combination of these methods to grow their families.

You may be here now because you are considering adoption to complete your family. You are already raising a child (or children) at home and are looking for advice on adding another member to your family. You are in the right place. Adopting a baby after starting your family can feel like a complicated decision at first, but it can also be a very positive one. Adoption is a wonderful option for those who cannot – or who can no longer – have children biologically, whether that is due to infertility or changing family dynamics. Adoption can provide your child(ren) with a sibling to love, as well as teach them about the loving choice of adoption. It also teaches the important lesson of inclusion, showing that families are more than just DNA. Of course, adopting a child after having children can bring on some challenges at first.

In this guide, we will share tips on how to prepare your child (or children) for a new sibling, how to get ready to welcome another baby home, how to raise biological and adopted children together in a blended family, and much more.